During an unexpected turn of events, Kim Kardashian posted a photo on Instagram with the caption “I’ll love Kanye West for the rest of my life.”


Despite the fact that the previous couple is divorcing, Kim posted a photo of them on a plane titled “Happy Birthday,” along with their three children North, Saint, and Chicago Western. “I will love you for the rest of my life!”

Kim’s love for the West did not end there; she also shared a Polaroid of the West, a couple’s picture of a throwback picture, and her Instagram Story with all four children in 1987. “Happy Bday,” she underlined the “Kimye” photo. Kanye is currently ranked 44th.


Khloe paid tribute to the West on Instagram with a pair of photos of Tristan Thompson and Kimye on the beach. “Fortunate birthday to my Brother for Life!” she captioned the post. Have a fantastic birthday, ye! The two Kardashians did not appear to tag Ye in either of their posts, but it appears that they are on good terms because, as previously stated, Kim and Kanye do not want spousal support and are prenuptial, so splitting their assets should be simple. Kardashian filed for divorce from West on February 19th, after seven years of marriage. Neither party specified a divorce date, and it appears that little was reported by them.

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