The Western Cape ANC will not hold its provincial conference this year, instead choosing to hold it early next year.

A date has yet to be determined.

The province has 267 branches, falling 17 branches short of the 70% required for a provincial conference. On Sunday, it held its extended provincial working committee meeting in Cape Town.

The interim provincial committee (IPC) also received a report on the 9th provincial conference preparations.

The province, according to the party, has less than 20 branches in good standing, but all regions’ terms of office have expired, implying that no region is in good standing.
According to the ANC, the IPC took steps to dissolve the Dullah Omar and Southern Cape regions a few months ago due to the slow pace of work, and it installed IPC-led task teams to strengthen the work of rebuilding the ANC in the two regions.

Both regions have made significant progress to date. The Southern Cape region has grown from eight to 48 branches with over 100 members, falling 13 branches short of the 70% mark.

“The IPC resolved that work must be intensified to ensure that both the Dullah Omar and Southern Cape regional conferences take place prior to the provincial conference,” he said.

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