
On Friday morning, the N3 northbound near Frankfort and Reitz in the Free State was closed due to a fire that started when a truck collided with another vehicle.

According to the N3 Toll Concession (N3TC), the accident occurred between the interchanges of Frankfort/Vrede and Roadside/Reitz.

“All northbound [toward Gauteng] lanes are closed.” Northbound traffic is being accommodated on the southbound carriageway via contra-flow.

“Traffic congestion and significant delays are to be expected in this area.” Road users are asked to slow down and approach the area with caution, according to N3TC spokesperson Anita Heyl.

On Thursday, another truck crash and fire occurred on the N3, near the Heidelberg Traffic Control Centre. It resulted in the closure of the northbound lanes in the area.

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